November 28, 2009

Yarn thief

I live with a yarn thief. The thief is stealthy, small, and can fit into tight spaces (as all thieves are wont to be and do). However, this one has four feet and has recently figured out how to get into my closets.

For the past two years, I've known not to leave yarn unattended at any time when it's out in the open - Portia has tried to make off with yarn that I'm actively knitting with, no matter the size of the ball. Counters and tables also aren't safe. Though she knows those areas are off limits, the minute my back is turned or I go to bed, up she goes. Shortly after I moved to my new apartment I forgot about a small ball of yarn which I had used to tie up some boxes. I left the ball resting in the middle of a roll of tape on the back of my kitchen counter when, exhausted, I went to bed. The next morning I followed a trail of yarn through the living/dining room, around a chair and a footstool, and back and forth a couple more times. When I found Portia hiding behind the far side of the bed she looked extremely guilty.

Well, on Thursday, I thought I was in the clear when I wound up the remnants of a skein and stashed it in a box in my storage closet (which is just off of my living room area). I made a quick trip into my bedroom, the lone area of my apartment with consistently good reception, to call my mom and get some pie advice. When I came out, about to get said pie out of the oven, I could do nothing but laugh when I saw Portia proudly sitting in the middle of the dining area with the freshly retrieved ball of yarn (which was bigger than her head). She's starting to take pride in her work - nothing is safe.

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