February 03, 2010

Happy and colorful feet are in my future

I went to the yarn store yesterday at lunch, and a couple of things just happened to follow me out and come home with me:
While my wallet is a bit lighter, they are so worth it. The green, or Zauberball from Schoppel Wolle in colorway 1966 ombre, first caught my eye in a yarn shop across the state. I had investigated Ravelry to see if anyone was swapping or selling some of these magic balls (the translation from German), but then I stumbled across some in the yarn store here and snagged one right away. The picture is a bit dark - the green is pretty lively, with variations from light to dark - and I can't wait to play it up with a fun sock pattern. There was another ball in slate blue that might also sneak into my stash once I see how this knits up.

The blue makes my heart sing (cheesy, but true). It caught my eye from the bottom of a pile of sock yarns, and the skein just jumped up and stuck to my hand like glue. I had to play a bit with the color tones in this picture, in order to really show what a vibrant cobalt this yarn is; this is I think the closest I'll get. It's Cascade Yarns Heritage Sock Yarn, in color 5636, and will also need a fun pattern.

First on the needles though is this:

Here, because the colors vary so much I'm sticking to a plain and simple pattern - Wendy Johnson's Slip Stitch Heel Basic Sock (Ravelry link here). I just got Johnson's Socks from the Toe Up and this is my first attempt at socks that are both toe-up and being knit two-at-a-time. The two at a time is a bit of a challenge and I had a few false starts casting on; but I'm used to the magic loop method and this is basically taking that one giant step up (I hope - this is optimistic, pre-heel talk). So far so good though, and I'm hoping to be mostly done in time for the Ravelympics cast on. I can't wait for all of these colorful socks!

1 comment:

  1. Those new yarns are amazing! I remember seeing the Zauberball at Knit A Round - the one that caught my eye was a variation on purples. Have fun with the socks from that, and let me know how they work up. I'd like to get a ball of that for myself, and will need a good pattern to showcase the colors. :)
